Running Man

Anybody remember AOL Instant Messenger's Running Man? I sure do, I used to use AIM all the time, usually sending messages to friends and family when their gone. 
This one day was different. I was send a message by a AIM user named 'scott', which read;
''"Dear Eric,''
''My name is Scott. Remember me from School, I was in your class.''
I didn't remember anybody named "Scott" in my class, so I brushed it off as a pervert trying to get me to come to his house. I got 5 more messages from this guy, all of the header reading "YOU DIDN'T LISTEN ME!". I was starting to get creeped out, so I blocked the guy, and surely enough, it worked. 
Then, the next night, I was in bedding check my AIM and saw... another message from Scott. It was blank, and so was the header. There was a attachment file, called, "AIM.EXE", so I downloaded it. When I did, my computer blue screened and there was a power outage. I was gonna call Cablevision, until I saw 'it', it was the face of the AOL Running Man impaled on a spike, above him was, 


I took a hammer and began to smash the laptop. Luckily, my friend let me use his laptop for the meantime, and that's how I am typing this.
If you see a man named 'Scott' on AIM, block the IP before the same thing happens to you!